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Coffee from Around the World: A Brief, Caffeinated History

Coffee is truly a worldwide beverage. A cup of coffee can be found anywhere from the most remote, tiny cafes to the super-luxurious hotels ones in the most expensive places in the world. Throughout its history, coffee became widespread in all the five continents and became one of the most popular drinks in the history of humankind.   It is no wonder that there are as many variations and recipes to make it as there are countries. Anywhere you may go, it’s probable that they will have a specific way to prepare a cup of it.   A full list of coffee recipes, thus, would require a whole book. In this post, I’m going to describe briefly the most popular types of coffee around the world instead. Most definitely many you will already know, but a few may surprise you. Have you tried any of these types of coffee? Do you want to? Did I leave out your favorite type of coffee? Let me know in the comments!

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